Linkworld LM603-C2228 2-Tone 104 Normal Keys 20 Function Keys PS/2 Wired Slim Keyboard Mouse and Speaker Combo Set

Linkworld LM603-C2228 2-Tone 104 Normal Keys 20 Function Keys PS/2 Wired Slim Keyboard Mouse and Speaker Combo Set
alaAverage 3.6

5 avis

Juin 2024

  • Négatif

alaTest a collecté et analysé 5 avis de consommateurs et d'experts pour le produit Linkworld LM603-C2228 2-Tone 104 Normal Keys 20 Function Keys PS/2 Wired Slim Keyboard Mouse and Speaker Combo Set. La note moyenne du produit est 3.6 sur 5, tandis que les autres produits de même catégorie ont une note moyenne de 4.2 sur 5. Les auteurs d'avis apprécient le rapport qualité/prix.


En moyenne, les consommateurs notent ce produit 72/100.

Résumé des avis

(Basé sur 5 avis et tests)

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5 avis produits

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Affichage de 1 - 5 sur 5 Afficher les Avis: en français | internationaux

Avis d'utilisateur (

Great Value


good price, easy installation, responsive performance

A little bit too touchy on the movement speed. A slight adjustment through Windows Control Panel fixed that

Fév. 2009

Avis d'utilisateur (

Cheap piece of junk



The cursor jitters and would not respond right to the mouse movements. It is just junk, throw it away, and stay away

Sep. 2008

Avis d'utilisateur (

well... it's a mouse


besides you get what you pay for

it's pretty good and pretty cheap

if you move it too fast it doesnt respond correctely

Dec. 2007

Avis d'utilisateur (



If you can afford this mouse GET IT! Better yet get 10 because they eat batteries like crazy.

This thing is so fast it blew me away. It's almost too fast. I had to change my mouses speed to just one just so i don't fly across the screen. AHHHH! It's only 2.99. WHAT A DEAL! The lights on the bottom lights are awesome. They shine in your face and...

I couldn't afford to buy 2 of them. The bad thing is they run on batteries. They don't even connect to the computer. The mouse controls all of the computers in my house

Oct. 2007

Avis d'utilisateur (

good combo


I haven't seen anywhere where it said optical, even when i purchased this device over 10 days ago. Speakers work good, keyboard looks just like it apears in the advertisement, mouse works good. Keyboard functions flawless under windows XP for me. Good...

Fév. 2004

Comparer les prix de : Linkworld LM603-C2228 2-Tone 104 Normal Keys 20 Function Keys PS/2 Wired Slim Keyboard Mouse and Speaker Combo Set

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