LG ST600

alaTest a collecté et analysé 146 avis de consommateurs et d'experts pour le produit LG ST600. La note moyenne du produit est 3.2 sur 5, tandis que les autres produits de même catégorie ont une note moyenne de 4.2 sur 5. Les testeurs apprécient l'ergonomie. Le design impressionne, mais les testeurs sont moins positifs sur les logiciels.

utilisabilité, valeur, vidéo, design, connectivité

logiciel, télécommande, fiabilité

En moyenne, les consommateurs notent ce produit 62/100 et les experts notent ce produit 80/100.

Résumé des avis

(Basé sur 146 avis et tests)

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Avis d'Utilisateurs  


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Avis d'utilisateur (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for LG ST600


alaTest has collected and analyzed 10 user reviews of LG ST600 from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 3.4/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.co.uk. Reviewers are impressed by the video and connectivity. The design and usability also get good feedback. There are some negative opinions about the reliability, while opinions about the software and price are different.

usability, design, connectivity, video


80% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Sep. 2024

Avis d'utilisateur (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for LG ST600


alaTest has collected and analyzed 77 user reviews of LG ST600 from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 3.1/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com. Reviewers are impressed by the design and size. Some have doubts about the apps and reliability, and the video and software get mixed views.

price, size, design

remote control, reliability, apps

61% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Sep. 2024

Avis d'utilisateur (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per LG ST600


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 5 recensioni utente su LG ST600 da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 2.8/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri prodotti su Amazon.it.

60% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Sep. 2024

Avis d'expert par : Grant Rennell (t3.com)

LG Smart TV Upgrader review


It seems pretty much every new TV is also a media centre these days but if you're not in the market for a completely new set you can buy one of a growing number of plug-in players instead. The LG Smart TV upgrader (officially called the ST600) squeezes...

Great interface ; Plays most formats ; Nice price

iPlayer needs work ; Touchpad controls ; Weird USB port position

While the iPlayer and App store appear to be ‘works in progress’ the LG Smart TV Upgrader is an affordable solution for anyone who owns a wants to access IPTV services to their HDTV without buying a new set. It remains one of the better media players...

Sep. 2011

Avis d'expert par : What Hi-Fi? (whathifi.com)

LG ST600 review


The dinky LG ST600 streamer box is a media Tardis

Apple TV-bashing flexibility and spec ; slick and easy to use

Needs more free streaming, especially in high definition

Very promising – with more apps, it could be the class king

Mai 2011

Avis d'expert par : Stuff.tv (stuff.tv)

LG ST600 Smart TV Upgrader review


3D is old hat. The latest buzz in TVs is "connected content". In other words, built-in web browsers, on-demand video streaming and smartphone-style apps. But what if you've just bought a new TV without all these tricks? The simple solution is to plug...

Avr. 2011

Avis d'expert par : Rasmus Larsen (flatpanelshd.com)

LG ST600


LG ST600 is a tiny media player box with LG's Smart TV platform that offers video-on-demand and TV apps. The box also supports streaming from other devices in your home via LG's Plex Media Link (DLNA). In other words; pretty much LG's Smart TV platform...

Video rental Apps; Medialink/Plex is elegant; Low power consumption

Sluggish menus; Medialink not playing video right now; Picture quality in VOD Apps; No keyboard in smartphone App

LG is a direct competitor to Apple’ small TV box called Apple TV. LG ST600 is slightly bigger and has an external power supply but besides that the two boxes look very similar – at least on the outside.

Août 2011

Avis d'expert par : Automated Home (automatedhome.co.uk)

Expert Review


-  We're really only interested in the LG600 as an inexpensive Plex box for secondary zones like bedrooms.

Jan. 2012

Avis d'expert par : Stephen Fenech (techguide.com.au)

Review: LG ST600 Smart TV Upgrader


LG Smart TV Upgrader review

Juil. 2011

Avis d'expert par : Andreas Frank (pc-magazin.de)

LG ST600


Mehr braucht man nicht, um TVs aufzurüsten: Die LG ST600 ist etwa so groß wie ein Eishockey-Puck und ähnelt damit äußerlich Apple TV.

sehr gute Bildqualität ; umfangreiche Apps Gallery

Probleme mit einigen Medienformaten ; keine Mediatheken

Jan. 2012

Avis d'expert par : Andreas Nolde (chip.de)

Praxis-Test: LG Electronics ST600 (SmartTV-Upgrader)


Einfach nur Fernsehen war gestern, „SmartTV“ ist das neue große Ding in der Fernseh-Branche – dies versprechen zumindest die TV-Hersteller. Der Haken: Nur die aktuellste Gerätegeneration ist wirklich smart und bringt diese Funktionen mit. LG bietet nun...

Freier Internet-Browser ; Guter Multimedia-Player ; Fairer Preis

Keine Flash Unterstützung im Browser ; Wenige Apps

SmartTV – das ist das Zauberwort des TV-Jahres 2011. Dahinter verbergen sich Internet-Widgets, ein DLNA-zertifizierter Netzwerk-Player, Online-Inhalte und vieles mehr. Das alles können Sie haben, ohne sich gleich einen neuen TV kaufen zu müssen - und...

Juil. 2011

Avis d'expert par : Jonas Ekelund (bildochljud.se)

LG ST600 Smart TV Upgrader


Istället för att köpa en ny smart-TV, köp bara till själva funktionen. Enkelt och fungerande.

Prisvärd ; Många sätt att styra ; Appar och playkanaler

Utbudet av appar ; Få anslutningar

Mediespelare är nytt för LG men man har gjort ett bra jobb med att förklara för folk vad det är genom att kalla det för en uppgradering till smart-TV. Och upplevelsen är inte dum alls, fullt jämförbar med de senaste uppkopplade TV-modellerna. Man får...

Nov. 2011

Avis d'expert par : Jonas Ekelund (lydogbilde.no)

LG ST600 Smart TV Upgrader


I stedet for å kjøpe en ny smart-TV, kjøp bare selve funksjonen. Enkelt og funksjonelt.

Gunstig pris ; Mange måter å styre på ; Apper og spillkanaler

Tilbudet på apper ; Få tilkoblinger

Mediespillere er nytt for LG, men man har gjort en bra jobb med å få forklart for folk hva det er gjennom å kalle det for en oppgradering til smart-TV. Og opplevelsen er ikke dum i det hele tatt, fullt sammenlignbar med de seneste oppkoblede...

Sep. 2011

Comparer les prix de : LG ST600

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